On March 3 the winners were announced for the 2016 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education, which honours innovation and has become one of the most prestigious educational awards since its founding in 1988.

The Prize recognises outstanding individuals who have dedicated themselves to improving education through new approaches and whose accomplishments are making a difference today. Further information can be found here

I was honoured to be an International Education Juror for the awards in 2016. We selected Sakena Yacoobi, CEO of the Afghan Institute of Learning, for the transformational effect her work has had on communities in Afghanistan, particularly in education for girls and women, and how she has inspired others to follow suit.

She has enhanced education for more than 12 million people particularly in rural Afghanistan.

The International Education selection committee was made up of a dynamic and innovative group of individuals. The International Education committee jurors included:

  • Valeria Brabata, Program Director for Latin America & the Caribbean, Global Fund for Women
  • Edward Byrne, President and Principal, King’s College London
  • Sir Malcolm Grant, Chairman of NHS England; Chancellor, University of York
  • Ian Jacobs, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of New South Wales
  • Mike Keppell, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning Transformations), Swinburne University of Technology
  • David Noel Ramirez, Rector, Tecnologico de Monterrey
  • Andreas Schleicher (serving as lead juror), Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Pramath Raj Sinha, Founder and MD, Ashoka University